It is heartening to note various authorities announcing telephone numbers that could be called in case of emergencies. When it was reported in the press that the number given by Delhi Govt. for women support was not working with nil response on the first day itself, was received with skepticism, with people generally pointing finger at the news-hungry fourth estate. But, even that story could be true was realized personally by me today.
Few minutes back, my wife reported that the new gas cylinder which she was trying to fit in was leaking. We immediately switched off the connection and called up our Gas Agency for emergency support. The operator at the agency reported that the service personnel were out and they could come post lunch after two hours ! When I underlined that the leak is heavy and that we are unable to use the kitchen and are sitting at home after switching off the electrical points as a precautionary measure, she expressed her inability and advised us to wait for the service personnel!!
Then I tried the Emergency Service Cell numbers given in the last Gas supply bill but both the mobile numbers were reported switched off !
More out of desperation, I tried the Toll free number, which was announcing the 'welcome to IOC' in six different languages - good speed for an emergency !
As a last resort, I also tried the IOC customer service cell, which fortunately responded on the second ring and insisted that I have to go only the my gas agency , which supplies the cylinders to me. He went on to explain that the Emergency Service Cell numbers will be switched off now and will be open only after 6 PM. Which virtually, threw me back to the mercy of my Gas distributor!
The question that comes to my mind immediately are :
1. What if the cylinder keeps leaking even after the valve is closed?
2. What if the Service personnel were either absent for the day or were flooded with too many critical calls?
Its time the agencies realize the meaning of 'emergency' !
The incident was reported at 12:45 PM today and let us see how quickly the authorities react !
Few minutes back, my wife reported that the new gas cylinder which she was trying to fit in was leaking. We immediately switched off the connection and called up our Gas Agency for emergency support. The operator at the agency reported that the service personnel were out and they could come post lunch after two hours ! When I underlined that the leak is heavy and that we are unable to use the kitchen and are sitting at home after switching off the electrical points as a precautionary measure, she expressed her inability and advised us to wait for the service personnel!!
Then I tried the Emergency Service Cell numbers given in the last Gas supply bill but both the mobile numbers were reported switched off !
More out of desperation, I tried the Toll free number, which was announcing the 'welcome to IOC' in six different languages - good speed for an emergency !
As a last resort, I also tried the IOC customer service cell, which fortunately responded on the second ring and insisted that I have to go only the my gas agency , which supplies the cylinders to me. He went on to explain that the Emergency Service Cell numbers will be switched off now and will be open only after 6 PM. Which virtually, threw me back to the mercy of my Gas distributor!
The question that comes to my mind immediately are :
1. What if the cylinder keeps leaking even after the valve is closed?
2. What if the Service personnel were either absent for the day or were flooded with too many critical calls?
Its time the agencies realize the meaning of 'emergency' !
The incident was reported at 12:45 PM today and let us see how quickly the authorities react !