Friday, June 24, 2011

Kodai - 2011

Despite my hanging the proverbial gloves in Dec 2010, I could not find myself planning for a break out of Chennai, due to various location based commitments . Once we realized that things are under control, we took upon the earliest opportunity to freak out. The usual touring team was short of one ticket- my daughter - who wanted to serve her employers more rather than spending time with the same old parents- and so we set out to Kodai, my favorite jaunt, this time only for 3 days. After a day at Madurai, going down the memory and other traditional lanes , we landed up at IOB's Holiday home. Though the travel by a private van was not that pleasant, as the travel agent virtually took us for a ride grouping us with other sight seers, all the strains and displeasures vanished on setting foot at Kodai and the holiday home was a beauty to stay at. Freshly painted and well maintained, the first comfort zone was created by the warmth of the Manager Mr. Kannan S Iyer, who made us feel at home.

The guest house "Stony Croft" was at a slightly elevated level and provided a panoramic view with the surrounding mountains.  A stroll outside and the view from the balcony, when once the chill became effective as the day withdrew, seem to become the favorite activities ! Having seen the Coakers walk and the Parks more number of times than the young travel guides roaming around, we decided only to explore on foot rather than visit any of these places. The initial trek through the gradient was reminding us of our age since our first visit in 1985 and next time onwards we became wiser to save the breadth by hitching on to any available vehicle. The look and walk around the lake is always a pleasure and Kashmir's words can also be applicable to a large extent that "If there is a paradise on earth, it is this. It is this". The cool, crisp air, a brisk walk in the early noon time, few lazy boats making more noises paddling than moving and with no agenda- it was a great time. The understanding of the boat riders and the ice cream vendors was evident in the boat veering to shore at the site of a vendor ! The young ice cream vendor taking strains to remove the paper cover littered into the lake by the customer, was a pleasant sight. After repeatedly travelling around the few hill stations in South India, for the past 25 years, I truly realized the meaning of chilling out- a calm place and no crowded sightseeing agenda - a great way to unwind. Amazing to realize what such a relaxed atmosphere could do- you can discuss, read or simply watch the scenes and put up your tired feet- great way to unwind. Everytime, we resolve we had seen enough of this place and not to return for the next couple of years- but it is the beauty of Kodai, that ultimately wins !

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